Clinical Application of Horn Distance and Body Length in Estimation Sahelian Goat Age

Author Details

Bello, A, Shehu, S.A, Muhammad, S, Bello, M.R. Abbas, A, Umar Sani, Abdullah D

Journal Details


Published: 28 December 2018 | Article Type :


The study involving age estimation using horn distance and body length was carried out on 200 normal sahelian goat of different age groups Group 1(0 – 6 Mouth), Group 2(6m –1 years), Group 3(1 – 2 years), Group 4(2 – 3 years) and Group 4(above 3 years) and sexes group A (80 Males) and group B (120 Females), collected from the different regions of the Sokoto state, in winter season, using standard animal ethics approved by the government. The collected data were then taken to the Veterinary Anatomy laboratory of Usmanu Danfodiyo University; for analysis. The body length-measured as the distance from the external occipital protuberance to the base of the tail, while the horn distance; is measured at the greatest distance between base to base of the horns. Result have shown that in male the horn distance decreases with increase in age but slightly increases with increase in age in female sahelian goat. In male the body length geometrically increases with increase in age but arithmetically increases with increase in age in female sahelian goat. Result have shown that in male there is a reciprocal increase in the horn distance and body length with increase in age but linear increases in the horn distance and body length with increase in age in female sahelian goat. Based on this findings, it was concluded that horn distance and body length can be use to predict the age of this species of animal considering the need in establish the knowledge of estimating the age of our domestic animal at easy, cheep and simpler way using physical anatomical features, such as Horn, tail comb etc.

Keywords: Clinical Anatomy, Body Length, Age Estimation, Sahelian Goat, Horn Distance. 

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How to Cite


Bello, A, Shehu, S.A, Muhammad, S, Bello, M.R. Abbas, A, Umar Sani, Abdullah D. (2018-12-28). "Clinical Application of Horn Distance and Body Length in Estimation Sahelian Goat Age." *Volume 2*, 4, 35-38